Wednesday, October 20, 2010

fragile. handle with care.

its true what my mom said.
when the time comes, and someone very important to you other than you family tells you something you rather not hear, its gonna really hit you hard. just simply because you have been with your family for your whole life. so whatever they say is merely like a broken record on repeat. and of cause because this other person out of nowhere is just so relevant in your everyday life that whatever they say matters coz u dont wanna make them feel bad? or its just coz u somehow have a high percentage of wanting to be accepted more? i dont know. just go with the flow alright?
and so, when certain things are said it just hits real bad. like you dont know how to react. i mean if its family, you'll probably say "i know laaaa" or "what nowww" or "can you all just stop it uh?" or the best thing is to shrug and walk away from the excruciating scene of truth and denial.

but why are we engineered this way? we turn so fragile around certain people even when we are those people who can take a bullet without any expressions. suddenly, from not taking things seriously, everything becomes extra important. not to forget that it hurts more. its so weird. looks like its really about time i do something coz whatever said although said with so much good oozing in it, it still made me feel horrible for not trying hard enough. im such a slacker. i dont wanna continue feeling like this
i wanna be different. and looks like i have another reason to be different. a very important reason. a reason filled with hopes.
loving every moment.

a reason for a reason.

after considering if this blog should exist, i came up with my final conclusion. it should just be here and move with time. just so i can see what really happened in the past. simply because i know i come here to weirdly turn and twist when i write what i really feel at that time or whatever i found interesting at that time. and im pretty sure whenever i go thru my old posts i can either laugh at myself for being so foolish or pat my back for thinking properly. this is just a little proof of who i was and how i was in a certain situation life had to give me with time. and not to mention that im gonna burden anyone with my sometimes very weird tots. it may not be the awesomest blog in town for other people. but its gonna act as a little reminder for me =).
so random.