Tuesday, March 30, 2010


everyone seems to be getting in and out of relationships like theres no tomorrow. and those who fight to be in it just be in it for the sake of having one. whats the point right? i mean ive done my share of that. at the end of the day, this is what ull get :

happiness : 0
love : 0
drained out : VERY
self hatred : SKY HIGH
giving up on everything? : ALL THE TIME
concentration level : 0
caring bout the other person? : NONE AT ALL.
false hope for your partner? : A HUNDRED MILLION MUCH!
unfairness : INFINITY MUCH (for both parties)

and everything else negative. so, people, think before you get in something. dont just jump and grab whatever that comes your way just cause you might be feeling lonely at that time. it wont do you any good. people you find when you are not emotionally ready will always end up being the wrong person. trust me. its okay to take all the time you need to get to know someone and fully give yourself to them, (vice versa of cause) unless you are a hundred million much sure, dont commit. theres still a longggggg way to go in life. dont go looking for it, when you dont expect it, and you get it, it will be good ;p

oprah : " relationships are there to make you happy. it is NEVER there to hurt you"

(haha, dont know what got into me when i was writing this =p.)

Monday, March 29, 2010


after all these years i know how to change my blogskin. so clever one. hehe


remember the time when someone said they will never ever leave you no matter what even when you know deep down the day will come? even when you know it will happen you will still secretly wish it will never ever happens right? it feels like we never actually knew each other in the first place. and i dont know if talking will help or backing off is the best solution. its even harder when theres no talk about the situation. it just means assumptions are being made with no real facts. im assuming, you are assuming. argh. and and and it deff feels so distant. whatever it is, ill be ready when you are coz this is not how its meant to be.

Monday, March 22, 2010

celebrating randomness.

it feels like theres so much to do and im no where near finishing what im supposed to. everything feels near yet soooo far away! the one and only goal i have for now is taking ages to hit. hoping for the best. dont know what else i should do to get it, but im hoping and praying to get there with whatever way i know.

theres always always always something that will make life look like its never meant to be easy. as for now im glad its the way it is. rather not put a load on my head. a simple life will be more than i can ask for, for now. better late than never i guess?


friends just keep getting better as we get older (or maybe wiser) all those childish moments and weird arguments were not meant to be there in the first place. whatevers meant to last will last and whatever that has to go will go. im happy with all those awesome people around me now. the old ones that are still there and those i see everytime whom i know ill cherish them forever ;) and not forgetting that person whose constantly having that "love hate relationship" with me. cis bedebah =p


for a person who has zero determination its REALLY about time i start having atleast some. having big expectations on myself without any determination is really screwing things up for me. so really really really, its time to change saarah mariee. argh.


an extra person.
maybe initially there were unending doubts but as days increase, the better this seems to get. just hope it gets better =). lets see what the next infinity days to do us. its gonna be hard but i hope theres a reason for it. a good one. i think it will be. maybe everything will seem extra betterly awesome? =p